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Daily Schedule
BPS Bulldog

Daily Schedule 

9:00 - 9:15 - Supervision of students

9:15 - 11:45 - AM Classes in session

11:45 - 12:25 - Lunch/Recess Break

12:25 - 2:55 - PM Classes in session

2:55 - 3:30 - Afternoon Recess Break

3:35 - Dismissal

School Dismissal Routines

Please contact the School Office no later that 1:30 p.m. if you plan to pick up your child at school; we can easily add your child's name to the list of students that will be picked up that day.  If you pick up your child on a regular basis, please send an email to the office indicating the days that you regularly pick up your child(ren).

Parents arriving to pick up children are asked to wait near the Primary yard gate near the play structure until the bell rings at 3:35 p.m.  

All students who are being picked up at the end of the day will need to check in with the staff member who is supervising the gate dismissal.  

During inclement weather (bus cancellation days), students must be signed in when being dropped off and signed out at picked up - no exceptions. 

Students may not be released to a non-custodial adult without prior written permission from the custodial parent or adult.

Thank-you for your support in ensuring the safety of our students.

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